Masterful Truth (Trinity Masters Book 10) by Mari Carr
erotica , menage , mystery , suspense / March 28, 2018

This is one good mystery and adventure. We have a secret society that goes way back into our past.it deals with schemes, intrigues, their own rules, killing and stealing. At first I was a bit lost with so many information and unknown factors so I think it would be better to read this series in order from the beginning. But the author managed to clear some things later in the book. The mystery reminded me on The Da Vinci Code with all the uncovering secrets from the past. The new Trinity is short on time to discover buried secrets that can costs their lives. The romance was not primary theme but it was ok with some kink and ménage. I liked how they interacted and get to know each other from perfect strangers to lovers. There was not much heat and passion just some hints. I didn’t like how they, especially Caden made bdsm a bad thing. Because he was forced into it and didn’t see the other, good part of bdsm relationship and power exchange. Overall it was a good mystery but I think I would enjoy it more if I had read previous books.  

Falling Series Boxed Set (Falling #1-3) by A. Zavarelli
BDSM , dark , erotica , romance / March 28, 2018

I received this book in exchange for honest review  The title of the series is fitting for what it holds. We have Gabriel and we have Victoria. They come from different words but from the first moment they can’t get each other out of their head. The reader can smell the romance here, but it is not a typical romance. It is intense, with some crime, kinky sex, sexy scenes and light BDSM. In their first encounter he comes out like a snob but still they draw a spark. He is an alpha male who knows what he wants but through the stories we see some of this insecurities. I liked the change in his personality that comes from his attachment to her. Their relationship is intense and scenes are hot but there were moments when he was cold and arrogant on purpose. And then we have Victoria who is running from her psychotic step mother. And her number one rule is don’t get attached and never stay more than 3 months at the same place. Small parts from her running may come unrealistic but they add to suspense. I could split the series into three important breakthroughs: The truth,…

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
fantasy , fiction , philosophy / March 28, 2018

This is the first book I read by Haruki Murakami. I heard a lot about this author and came across some great reviews but I still did not know what expect. This is definitely not a regular story. It is twisted, philosophical, spiritual fantasy altogether. The metaphysics reality can be somehow confusing at the beginning. Every character has its own story but they are all connected in some way, but as the story developed the thing are making more sense / or as much as they can. The mystery behind every event is surrealistic. The writing is wonderful, the side stories and conversation as well. There is the contrast between characters and events but in the end everything melts together. It seems like every path has its own meaning and there is symbolism everywhere. There seems to be so much knowledge behind but it was a great experience to read Kafka on the shore. Few of my favorite quotes: Pointless thinking is worse than no thinking at all. Things outside you are projections of what’s inside you, and what’s inside you is a projection of what’s outside. So when you are step into the labyrinth outside you, at the same…

Knight’s Nemesis (Clementine Arer #1) by Misty Kayn
magic , paranormal , romance , shapeshifters / March 28, 2018

I received this book in return for an honest review We have magical world where nothing is as it seems and you can expect unexpected. The language and writing seems a bit old-fashioned but they fit into the story very well. We are thrown into the story with a bit confusion and is harder for reader to understand the magic, the world, stars and everything else. Maybe this was the purpose?! The main character is a dove and is supposed to be powerful but we don’t get the whole picture until almost the end. Even then we don’t have straightforward answers to basic information so some more clues and insight in the beginning would be recommended. The other one is a wolf, a leader and an alpha. He exudes dominance all along. Even though I couldn’t understand all his motives I somehow liked him. So with two characters so opposite we can’t expect nothing less than some primal dominance and power exchange – given freely and easily. I liked the building toward their first real interaction. The connection between the magic, the spirits and nature unique. It is powerful and we have just the right amount of it so we…

Untamed (Thoughtless #4) by S.C. Stephens
contemporary , erotica , romance / March 28, 2018

So meet Griffin, the most immature, narcissistic, egocentric and selfish douchebag with no filter. He is not very smart and there are moment I almost feel sorry for him how naive he is. He is so proud and blames everybody else for his lack of effort. His hunger for fame and importance is so childish. He is so unlikable that is a miracle I went through the book. But I kept hoping that he will finally mature and get over his self-importance and God-complex. I had to wait quite a while and go through a lot of his shit but in the end he made it. He grown up and matured and started making right decisions and responsibility for his actions. Bit I still can not believe how he annoyed me through the story. Other than that it was good to see and meet other members and a glimpse into their life.

We Were One Once (We Were One Once #1) by Willow Madison
abuse , BDSM , dark , erotica / March 28, 2018

I was given a free copy in exchange for an honest review Fresh and dark romance with a great story and unexpected turns. Mysterious love triangle with intense characters. Each of them has a special personality or even more of them. We go through bits and pieces and getting to know them is a journey. Their lives seems complicated on times but they all have their dark secrets. I loved how the past and the present came closer and closer together until we connect the dots…but one ending opens another beginning. I loved the twisted minds and games, the intense situations and the scenes. A beautiful girl full of contradictions is also full of surprises. Despite everything we have a romance. Simon surprised me when he showed his softer side, it would be interesting if he would go through with all his plans, but is nice to have some sweet romance in the middle of the dark passion Three main characters: I could’t hate Simon despite his “job”, she is just interesting and funny but Miles….wow, he surprised me. I can’t wait to see what happens next

Angel 6.0 (The Box Set): Space Opera Romance by Travis Luedke
erotica , fiction , paranormal , romance / March 28, 2018

I received this book in exchange for an honest review  She is Angel 6.0 created in labs to perfect the human genome….but sometimes she is more human than human. Her journey is amazing but also painful. Her need to belong and feel like a human is driving her through the whole galaxy. We start with little knowledge of her abilities but throughout the story we get to learn much more. The story is filled with tragedy, drama, sex, pain, masochism, slavery…. The reader is sucked into the dark world of aliens, crime, violence, non-con sex, pain, bdsm aspects but there is even place for love and romance, even though nonconventional. I thought she will never get some deserved happiness. She lost so many people she loved but let’s admit she did fall in love fast. Vicious things happened to her but she fought for what she believed. She was like a killer machine when done wrong but with more empathy than real humans. There are many different dimensions of this book. Author created extraordinary world and species with their own politics, rules and language. Nevertheless there are still things that keeps us wondering and on the edge till the end….

Once Burned (Night Prince #1) by Jeaniene Frost
fantasy , paranormal , romance / March 28, 2018

I read this one in one sitting. One and only dark prince – Vlad with his dark persona is never apologizing for who he is and what he does. His motto is: better to fear me more than others. He values loyalty and is sexy arrogant. But when he mets Leila a lot changes for both of them. Characters are great, the writing is good, the suspense is well build and the romance is heating up.

An Unhuman Journey (Only Human #2) by Candace Blevins
BDSM , erotica , fantasy , paranormal , romance , vampire , werewolves / March 28, 2018

This is a journey mixing different species, supernaturals and an extraordinary human. Mrs. Blevins does a great job with this one. Kristen is a tuff and independent heroine with special powers and she seem to be in the middle of the war to come between good and evil. She is smart, brave, proud, funny and sexually submissive. I liked the philosophical and metaphysical questions that spoke to the nerd in me. The dialogues were smart and entertaining. I liked how it pictured hell and demons and that they are not a priori evil. Oh let’s not forget all the males, shifters and vampires and demons that were jummy. I did hope for more serious romance with Abbot but I guess it was not meant to be. I am looking forward to see what journey lies ahead.

Pretty Stolen Dolls (Pretty Little Dolls #1) by Ker Dukey
abuse , dark , erotica , suspense / March 28, 2018

Oh wow, Mrs. Dukey provides us with a dark, twisted masterpiece. The plot and writing is great with a psychological input and such mindfuck it leaves you wanting for more. The characters are all a bit broken but they are so well described and developed they came out realistic. This one is for lovers of dark erotica who are not offended by rape, abuse and so much more. Expect the unexpected