Edge of Humanity (Only Human #5) by Candace Blevins

August 29, 2018
Kirsten starts with a bang in this one. Her rightful vengeance against Gavin is detailed and sadistic. There are moments she is in doubt but she quickly correct herself remembering him violating her and enjoying it. We get some insight into his past and. I could almost call it conditioning as it made him the way he is. I understand some of his reasoning so I don’t hate him completely. Her punishment is brutal and almost symbolic with her holding his heart. I still regret her relationship with Abbott but there were other path meant for her.

Kirsten goes to China. So this book has more mystic and spiritual ways in finding her old teacher and learning new things. Her power grows incredibly. It was interesting twist seeing Eastern culture, philosophy and their mythology that is much different than ours. Their everyday life is more intervened with it so following her path gets us some insight. And Mrs. Blevins overcome the cultural difference with ease so the reader doesn’t feel bewildered even though he is not familiar with their ways.

There is little sex in this one, but that one scene with Nathan makes up for it as Mrs. Blevins knows how to write intense and hot scenes. Furthermore that makes this book a bit different than others as it’s more about Kirstin and her daughter. The title fits perfectly because Kirstin starts to question her humanity, lack of empathy at the moments and what will become of her. She doesn’t want to be in the supernatural world, but there are players out there who want her and/or her daughter because of potential she holds.

I am intrigued with the plot and where will it lead. There are still many unanswered questions I am looking forward seeing where the story will lead us. 

Wrap Up

  • 9.5/10
  • 8/10
  • 8/10

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