Another treat from Tiffany. Even though I’m not “artish” person it was fun getting to know the pictures and the artists that came with the scene. They were definitely more alive with them. Malcolm- well he grow onto me. I liked him even though I had a love-hate relationship at the end but I saw something like that coming. He is a man who enjoys sex in every perverted way. And being his whore comes out like a great compliment. I liked how the modern days intervened with the old days. The scenes -oh the scenes were pure erotic fantasy. I loved every single one of them. The best was with the Minotaur despite the ending was a bit off. I think she exaggerated a bit. She gave him a carte blanche and how was this scene different from another? I get that she thought she was drugged but still it was a game she know he liked to play. And the slave market was also another hit for me. The suspense, the mask, objectification….just perfect. I’m glad it didn’t work out with Sebastian. He turned out quite a douche. Through the whole book I was wondering what is Malcolm,…
My first thought: I hate Anita and Jonas – they are sick and twisted individuals that want to control everybody and they (especially Jonas) is making an excuse with his “Faith and Jesus” – they think they are superior because of their money and influence. Jonas is a real psychopath. Aldous – He was ok, the most realistic person in the book with his temper and not being perfect. As a Dom he is so-so, some scenes are not very safe. Carson -for a first time test being in the cage and bound for the whole night and again through the day I don’t find that healthy. He also didn’t do much explaining for the scenes, not that he must as a Dom, but some conversation for someone who is just getting to know bdsm would be appreciated. Carson – She didn’t get under my skin like some heroines do. Her investigation at first is a bit lacking and she is not really good detective. As for the submissive role – she is so eager to please him and do as he say, very trusting at first. As for their relationship – It was ok. The bdsm scenes were ok,…